It’s a great part of the job to see people progress on a skills day and it’s very satisfying to see people as excited about riding bikes as I am. Often a couple of comments come back after the course by email, Twitter or Facebook. Don’t worry though it’s not compulsory!

Occasionally people go much further and write up their experiences on their blogs, finding this a good way to extend the learning process by reflecting on their riding experience. Recently Shann came along and paid his money to do the Stop Crashing Levels 1 and 2 course at Generic Cialis Gisburn Forest.

He says lots of nice things like the following…..

“By the end of the day I’m riding much more smoothly and feeling more in control of the bike.”

“What caused us some minor discussion was what level we should pitch ourselves at.”

“Even the most minor of tips seems to be a revelation to me when put into practice.”

“The afternoon saw Ed push me and a few others out of our comfort zones.”

……and if you’d like to read the whole blog you can find it here:


Shann in action