We helped build it and now we're riding it. Here's Leon

The sun was shining on us, there were no gusts of wind and you could see for miles. In fact you could see all the way to the mountains of north Wales in one direction and up into the Dales in another. Around 30 of us rode up to Cragg Quarry, the latest development in Lancashire’s cutting edge mountain bike trail development program. Starting at the Buck Inn in Cowpe we hauled ourselves up the Mary Towneley Loop with a mixture of riding, pushing and heckling.

It's well worth going up this mental climb to ride the new trails

We rode a lap. Then some of us rode another. Then we did what these new trails just beg you to do. We played about on our bikes. Ride that berm again, get a better line, go faster. Stop for a natter. Ride some more. Go for a pint.

Nial was on it. Until he crashed, got in a strop and got shouted at by me...Oh well....

It's tight and it flows. Here's Tony Lund the main man of the project. Seems to be taking fashion cues from Chipps!

Mart is smiling because the trails are ace and he's heading for what's in the next photo...

A grand pint back at the Buck

To see more photos from the day click here…….