It’s the Shakeyakey Ride! To book a place click ‘Shakeyakey Ride’ under the ‘Trips’ tab above

Be guided on Hebden Bridge trails, see where the Vain Vagrant film was shot and raise some money for a good cause.

To celebrate the one year anniversary of the launch of the Vain Vagrant film Great Rock will be organising a guided Hebden Bridge ride. We’ll ride some Hebden Bridge trails including some from the film, we’ll have a nice lunch, a pub stop and a visit to Old Gate for a pint to finish. Who knows there might even be some weird characters there and some prizes!

This is also the 1st anniversary weekend of a life changing incident that happened to one of our friends. Shakeyakey, a passionate mountain biker, was at the Vain Vagrant launch party and had an accident on his way home that left him paralysed and changed the way he now lives his life.


Shakeyakey’s story really touched me because I know how it could so easily be my story. I do dangerous things and I do daft things and even some of the normal things that I do could, in the blink of an eye, end with it being me in the wheel chair. It could be any one of us.

Wouldn’t it be great to do something positive that would be fun to do and help a friend? Yes, and that’s why all the money raised from the ride will go to helping Shakeyakey buy and adapt a home. There will be other events happening to raise money, this is just the beginning! Maybe we’ll even be able to get him riding off road again.

You can read more about his story here on the gofundme page.

Our great friends at the North West Barber Company will be donating all takings from their shop on the same day to the cause as well as hosting a party in the evening, to which we’re all invited.

Oh and by the way planning has begun for the follow up film to the Vain Vagrant, we’ll let you in on some secrets if you come along on the day.


We’ll ride all day from 9.30am to about 4pm with a lunch break at Old Gate in Hebden Bridge (so you don’t need to bring sandwiches but you will need money to buy your lunch and drinks)

You will need a mountain bike and be able to ride moderately technical, rocky terrain (think Red grade trail centre trail). You will be riding for about 4 hours during the day. It won’t be a race, this is a fun, social ride and no one will get left behind. If there are lots of us there might be some more technical trails that a brake away group will be able to ride.

All money from this day will be donated to the gofundme fundraiser page minus the amount that Paypal will deduct for processing the payments.