Riding berms

Gisburn Forest Skills with Ed Oxley from Whitenosugar Productions on Vimeo.

This is the first in a series of short skills videos shot on the new trails at Gisburn Forest. I’ve tried to keep it clear and simple in the videos to give a flavour of the skills shown. If you want to know more, the best thing to do is come for a skills session. Have a look at the courses that I offer at Gisburn which use the trails you see proactol dosage in these videos.

I’ve been running skills courses at Gisburn for as long as the trails have been there. It’s great to see the place evolving with new sections into one of the UK’s top trail centres. I run the Stop Crashing courses here as well as Flow and Jumps for Dads.

The video was shot and edited by Tim from Whitenosugar Productions. I’ve made a few videos with Tim before including Edventure, Hurstwood Mountain Bike Trail and Keep it Local.

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Squirt chain lube

The only chain lube I’ve been using for the last few years is Squirt. In fact I get grumpy if anyone tries to put anything else on my bikes. So what’s so good about it? Well the best thing is that there is no dirty oil in it to collect grit and then get smeared all over your bike at cleaning time. Added to that it is a really effective lube in all conditions. I use it on the endless dusty days of riding (when I go to Spain!) as well as in the filthy wet slither of usual UK conditions. I even used it in the Arctic Circle when I went there Fat bike racing in the snow.


It’s a lube that does its job well, gives you a clean chain all the time and saves you faffing about with degreasers. The only time you ever have to use a degreaser on your chain is when it is MaleEdge new. Just wizz the chain through a chain cleaner to get the grease off, rinse with water, dry with a rag and then get the Squirt on.

new chain

new chain

After cleaning my bike I dry the chain with a rag and then apply plenty of Squirt to where the side plates meet the pins in the chain. Leave it to dry for 10 minutes or so and you have a good waxy finish. I re-apply every time I clean my bike, although if you don’t wash the chain it will stay longer than one ride. When it’s dry you can get a good few rides in without reapplication.

slap it on all over

slap it on all over

You get a noticeably cleaner chain all the time and longer chain life. There are no solvents in this stuff and it’s biodegradable. It’s the best I reckon. You can buy it online from Squirt here

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1 to 1 days at Gisburn Forest

As well as running all the open group courses, I offer the same courses or a mixture of courses as private 1 to 1 days at Gisburn Forest or on the natural tech trails of Hebden Bridge.

Black line Swoopy

Black line Swoopy


Today I had a session at Gisburn Forest with Andrew who wanted me to take a general look over his riding. He also wanted to specifically look at riding drop offs, learn to bunny hop and look at improving the way he is riding steep rocky roll ins.

In terms of which course this would be, we looked at elements of ‘Stop Crashing’ on the blue trails around the new car park, to get a better body position and start pumping the trail. Then we went onto sharpening up the way Andrew was taking the corners on the new Snakey trail that is now the start to the full Gisburn Loop. Next we looked at stuff that would be covered in ‘Flow’ and got the basics of the bunny hop and worked up to hitting the drops on the Hope Line and looking at different way of riding the steep rock faced features on Swoopy. It’s safe to say that Andrew was pretty chuffed with what he was riding and the way he was riding it by the end of the day.

Drop off

Drop off

If you want to do something similar to this as a private 1 to 1 or group day, get in touch and we can look at dates and cost.

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Bike Trip

Early summer and I’m tripping through electronic cigarette drops the bluebells on Hebden Bridge trails.

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