That’s a lot of Squirt Chain Lube

I’ve been using this wax based chain lube for a while now and really rate it. It works well in both wet and dry conditions and once applied you don’t need to degrease your chain. I’m just rinsing the grit from my chain, drying it with an old towel and re-applying the lube. There’s no big faff and it just works well.

The dudes from Squirt have now sent me a big box full of the stuff and if you come on one of my skills days I’ll give you a sample bottle to try for yourself.

You can find out more, get a free sample or make an order by contacting Squirt:


phone  07789 075 818


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New Trails at Lee Quarry

The snow has gone at last and I’ve put plenty of new dates up for ‘Stop Crashing’ my fundamental mountain biking skills course. There are also new dates up for the ‘Flow’ and the ‘Black Magic’ courses which are the next, more advanced level. All courses are run at both Lee Quarry and Gisburn Forest

Great news from Tony Lund, the Lancashire County Council Countryside Officer, about new trail building.

“First some news about trail building, tenders came back in just before Christmas and Back On Track (Rowan Sorrell’s crew) have won both the tender for new trails in Lee Quarry and for the new trails in Cragg Quarry. The plan is for them to get started on the trail construction just as soon as the snow and ice have gone. So all being well we should have some spangley new trails ready for use April/May this year.”

As well as running my skills courses and private days I’m going to be working as part of Rowan’s team on the trail building project. This is a great opportunity for me and I’m really going to know these trails inside out. The new skills area at Lee Quarry will be one of my main training locations.

As well as five new skills lines featuring drop offs, tabletops and berms there are also plans to build a Pump Track at Lee Quarry. Work should be complete by April this year. Cragg Quarry will also be developed with red and black graded trails and Rowan thinks that this area will be the jewel in the crown of the whole project so far. Think rollers, berms, jumps and tons of flow all with the biggest views you can imagine. There are also plans to form a volunteer trail building group for the area to help shape the trails that we will be riding in the future. More details will emerge over the next few weeks.

Don’t forget as well that the Singletrack Classic Weekender is approaching. Tickets are already on sale and I will of course be helping and will have a role in the lead up, as well as at the event itself.

I think it’s going to be a busy year!

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Snow Ride down into Ragley Woods

Great Rock / Ragley Bikes Snow Riding from Ed Oxley on Vimeo.

The devil makes work for idle wheels so I went out to the woods with my bike and video camera today and tramped up and down having some fun and getting some clips in the snow and sunshine. Can’t work at the moment and I thought it was time to stop moaning about the weather and get out and embrace it.

I live up a hill so all rides start with a descent and end with a climb. It was fun, apart from the face plant into a wall! Luckily I was saved by my beard.

Music is Pon De Floor by Major Lazer.

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It’s a snow go zone…

Took a break from moaning about the snow today and went for a ride in it. It was pretty hard to find the trail in places and the climbs had to be walked. Rode some fun descents though and took the Ragley Ti down some tech steps just to keep my hand in. You can’t beat the confidence you get from sticking a slack head angled bike into the unknown. At times the sky and all of the ground was the same colour and I felt like I was free falling.

A beard full of snow and ice is a great feeling and like all good natural fibres it provides good insulation and breathability. Have to say I feel sorry for all the beardless gents out there. Your faces must be freezing.

Hopefully normal service will resume soon and I can get out on to Gisburn and Lee Quarry to do some work!

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