Snake Line

Check out this creative line that’s been built into a drainage ditch up at the Skills Area at Lee Quarry. Tight turns, again and again – brilliant. I’ll be using that line on the skills days in May and June. It’s great cornering practice. You really have to ride the front of the bike, in an elbows out style and pump the turns to get down there with any speed or style.

Below: Grand Canyon, Bacup style.

I was up there again yesterday scoping out good places to use for skills days for the “getting into mountain biking” / “been riding a while and ready to progress” levels of riders.

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Lumb Falls is a beautiful spot

Thanks to MrTricky (STW forum name) for these photos from a guided ride that I led in Calderdale back in January. The sun was out and we managed to stay mostly on well drained trails. Above is the descent to Lumb Falls and below is…well you can probably work that one out.

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More photos of the Ragley Ti prototype

Titanium bwarrrp with a well speced build for the riding that I like.

Chainstay bridge gives loads of clearance even with the 2.5 High Roller in there.

“Can I come in the back with you?” I was drinking coffee in that pint glass by the way….and yes I did spill it all over the bike.

photos by Sim Mainey

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“Stop Falling Off” at Lee Quarry

I’ll be running a series of skills development days as part of the lead up to the Singletrack Classic Weekender event that will take place on 4th and 5th July 2009. The massive quarry in Bacup is a great place to progress your xc, downhill and general skills / trials riding. Just putting the details together at the moment. Dates and prices will be up on the site soon.

I’ve used this photo before, but I just love the way that Nial and Euan look so heroic against the epic backdrop of the quarry.

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Prototype Ragley Ti 16″

Took my bike down to Singletrack today for the boys to look at.  Sim took the photos.

Here I am cutting the cable ties off, the production bikes will have some lovely bolt in hose and cable guides.

Nice rear don’t you think? Don’t look at the cable tie that I missed.

More photos later. Got to cook tea now.

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Three great days in the woods….

That’s where I’ve spent a good part of the last three days, riding the new Ragley titanium hardtail. It’s the first new bike from Brant Richards’ (formerly On One) new and as yet un-named brand. I was lucky enough to be the first person to ride the new bike and I’ve been enjoying the dry conditions and riding miles of the best Calderdale trails. The sun has been shining and the best thing about it all is that this is work!

The photo above is my 16″ Ragley and because it hasn’t got the proper cable and hose guides yet on I’m not showing a proper picture. I’ll get some photos tomorrow when it’s looking just right.

I went up to Hardcastle Crags today with Brant to meet Guy Kesteven and Russel Burton from What Mountain Bike, to show the bikes and get some photos taken. Go to Brant’s Shedfire website to see a photo and for links to other pics of the 18″ Ragley

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